Well at Amigos for Christ Missions Center

Chinandega, Nicaragua

Sponsored by: Lady Lake United Methodist Church, Lady Lake, FL,
and Friendship United Methodist Church, Monroeville, NJ

Amigos for Christ is our primary partner organization in Nicaragua and we have drilled all of our wells in Nicaragua in partnership with their drillers.  Amigos for Christ was officially founded as a non-profit organization in June 1999, and functions as an interdenominational service ministry working with the poor and disadvantaged people in the Chinandega area of northwest Nicaragua.

View of the current Amigos for Christ facility

Mission team members at an orientation - VERY crowded!!

Amigos has been located in a rented house for several years which serves as both the local Nicaraguan office and the mission team housing facility.  With about 25 mission teams of 30 to 70 people coming to Nicaragua every year, they have outgrown their current facility.  They recently broke ground on a new complex including offices, dormitories and warehousing.

Ed & Linda standing beside the DeepRock 100

Nicaraguan and American drilling team

We had a very sad occurrence during the drilling of this well, however.  Linda had been visiting with her older sister, Martha Cole for the 3 weeks prior to starting drilling because Martha was battling cancer.  On the day that we started drilling we got a call that Martha had passed away.  So we left the drilling in the able hands of the Nicaraguan driller and two American mission team members.  Thanks to all of them for stepping in to complete the well!

Temporary well head during construction

  Lead driller Tomas Caceres playing in the water while cleaning out the well

The well was fitted with a temporary pump to provide water during facility construction.  The plan is to build a large storage tank of 10,000 gallons and possibly put a solar water pumping system in the well.  We were very pleased to be able to assist our good friends at Amigos for Christ with the funding and drilling of this well.  To God be the Glory!!

Technical Details


Project date: July 22-25, 2009

Location:   Latitude -  N 12 37.644'     Longitude - W  087 06.842'

Elevation:     257 ft. above sea level

Total Cost:  $5,134

Drill rig used:  Drilled with the Deep Rock DR 100 using an 8" carbide blade bit

Drilled Depth:  280 ft.

Well depth:   264 ft. below ground surface

Casing  type: 4 inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC bell & socket

Screen length &type:  60 feet of 4 inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC with 0.010" machine slots

Length of Gravel Pack:  204 ft.

Length & Type of Seal:  4 ft. of bentonite pellets

Static groundwater level:     50 ft. below ground surface

Dynamic groundwater level:     55 ft. below ground surface

Depth to base of pump:   200 ft. below ground surface

Pump description:    StaRite pump with Franklin motor - 5 hp 3 phase (provisional pump)

Flow rate:    30 gal/min


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